St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary 

Project Type

Assyrian Christian Schools Limited


St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School

St Hurmizd Primary School had a large car park and a shortage of usable play space. ULP was tasked with the job of creating a naturalised, intuitive play space from an unforgiving concrete slab.

The new play space opened the area to surrounding bush and park lands and then developed this feel through the introducion of natural textures with rough hewn sandstone blocks, thick cut timber and heavily planted zones containing hardy Native species.



A wide variety of elements are carefully packed into the relatively confined area that cater for a wide variety of personalities and play types.

The activities catered for include a giant Chess board, seating and storage, an open cubby, challenging play equipment, social hangout zones, a basket ball court and a line marked area for ball sports.


Contact us

New South Wales
1-2/ 14 Loyalty Road
North Rocks NSW 2151
T 02 9958 1988

ABN 32 626 400 833
Lic. # 326557C

T 07 3117 9905

ABN 32 626 400 833
QLD Lic. # 15294553
QBUILD Reg. 876384

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Urban Landscape Projects NSW