A Sustainable Learning Area (SLA) turns an outdoor classroom into a Sustainability focussed, interactive outdoor learning area, full of S.T.E.M. teaching aids and endless learning opportunities!


Our SLA’s combine habitat creation, permaculture & water wise gardening to create child friendly, engaging, sustainable spaces that foster a care for the natural world.  These playful ‘learning landscapes’ teach children about nature, soils, rainfall, habitat and food production while providing an interdisciplinary learning link to a much wider range of learning possibilities.
What are the benefits of a Sustainable Learning Area?

There’s a long list of benefits for your Outdoor Learning Environment:

  •  Allows Children to Learn about Nature while being in Nature
  • Allows for extracurricular activities such as Garden Club. This can connect and engage the Community.
  • Gives structure to outdoor classes.
  • Creates a visually pleasing area that Children will want to learn in.
  • Creates project based Learning possibilities.
  • Creates break out spaces for a whole class, small group and individual learning spaces out in the fresh air.
  • Learn through doing with hands on learning opportunities.
  • Connects with Sustainability as a cross curricular priority in the syllabus.
  • Allows for interdisciplinary learning by displaying a link between subjects.
  • Provide tools for learning – Stingless bee hive, nest boxes, rain gauges, scales, etc.
  • Creates much needed urban habitat for Native species, beneficial insects and pollinators

Contact us

New South Wales
1-2/ 14 Loyalty Road
North Rocks NSW 2151
T 02 9958 1988

ABN 32 626 400 833
Lic. # 326557C

T 07 3117 9905

ABN 32 626 400 833
QLD Lic. # 15294553
QBUILD Reg. 876384

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Urban Landscape Projects NSW